Your Step-by-Step Guide for zkSync Airdrop! Who is Eligible?

Your Step-by-Step Guide for zkSync Airdrop! Who is Eligible?

Airdrops have become a popular way for blockchain projects to distribute tokens to the community, fostering engagement and spreading awareness. Among these projects, zkSync has caught the attention of crypto enthusiasts with its innovative Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Now that the zkSync airdrop has been distributed, this blog post will explore what a zkSync airdrop is, how it works, and how users have qualified for this exciting opportunity to receive rewards.

(Know more about zkSyncBefore Reading: What is zkSync? Get to Know Everything You Need in 5 minutes!)

The zkSync team launched the $ZK Airdrop on June 17. We have updated this article with the latest information about the airdrop.

Understanding zkSync Airdrop

A zkSync airdrop is a strategic initiative by the zkSync team designed to reward users with zkSync’s tokens. These airdrops aim to foster community engagement and spread awareness of zkSync’s Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Tokens are typically distributed to a specific target audience, such as existing zkSync users who have interacted with the platform, active community members, or participants in specific events or activities. This approach not only incentivizes user participation but also helps in building a loyal and active user base for zkSync.

Who is Eligible for zkSync $ZK Airdrop

According to the token issuance rules announced by the zkSync team, 17% of $ZK tokens were allocated for the airdrop, distributed to 695,232 wallets. These airdropped tokens are fully liquid on day one, with no vesting or lock-up periods.

There are two ways to qualify for the 17.5% airdrop:

  1. Users (89%): zkSync users who transacted on zkSync and met a certain activity threshold.
  2. Contributors (11%): Individuals, developers, researchers, communities, and companies who contributed to the zkSync ecosystem through development, advocacy, or education, regardless of their activity on zkSync.

Eligibility and allocations were based on a snapshot taken on March 24, 2024, at 0:00 UTC, marking the one-year anniversary of the zkSync Era mainnet launch.

$ZK Airdrop Criteria

If you would like to get the $ZK airdrop, you need to earn at least one point from the criteria below. There are ten rules, and you can achieve them either on zkSync Era or zkSync Lite.

After determining a wallet’s eligibility, its allocation was based on the assets bridged into zkSync Era and how long they were held. The allocation was scaled by the assets’ value in zkSync Era (in wallets and DeFi) and boosted by additional points earned. The more points, the larger the final allocation, up to a cap of 100,000 ZK.

Each address could receive multipliers based on activities indicating human behavior or contributions to zkSync. These multipliers apply in addition to allocations from zkSync Era and Lite usage. Examples include:

  • Owning zkSync-native NFTs
  • Holding zkSync-native ERC20 tokens
  • Using smart contract wallets and experimenting native account abstraction in zkSync Era
  • Holding previous airdrops from other ETH communities
  • Transacting with popular ETH mainnet smart contracts

After determining eligibility, each address received a token allocation with a minimum of 450 ZK and a maximum cap of 100,000 ZK.

What can $ZK be Used for?

The $ZK token serves several purposes within the zkSync ecosystem:

  1. Governance: Token holders can vote on protocol upgrades and key decisions.
  2. Fee Payments: Used to pay for network transaction fees.
  3. Incentives: Rewards users and contributors to the zkSync ecosystem.

Moreover, through governance-driven protocol upgrades, the community can evolve $ZK to introduce staking and delegating fuctions.

Welcome to delegate your $ZK to XY Finance. We will continue to actively participate in the zkSync ecosystem’s development and ensure the community’s voice is heard in every governance vote.

Where can I Swap and Bridge $ZK?

After zkSync distributed the $ZK airdrop, $ZK became available for trading on various DEXs and CEXs. If you want to swap or bridge $ZK, XY Finance will be your best choice among many options.

XY Finance offers a seamless and efficient way to bridge and trade assets, allowing you to buy $ZK with any tokens you prefer!

What makes zkSync special?

Before diving into the details of the airdrop qualification, it’s essential to grasp why zkSync has gained significant attention in the blockchain community. 

zkSync, developed by Matter Labs, is a Layer-2 scaling solution that aims to address the scalability issues of the Ethereum network. By leveraging zero-knowledge proofs, zkSync significantly increases transaction throughput while reducing costs and energy consumption.

In March 2023, zkSync unveiled the zkEVM mainnet, dubbed zkSync Era, introducing a zk-rollup fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This innovation enables developers to utilize Solidity and other Ethereum-native languages for smart contract development on zkSync. By lowering entry barriers, a thriving Dapp ecosystem has been fostered within zkSync.

This makes it an attractive choice for users looking for fast, affordable, and environmentally friendly L2 blockchain.

Stay Up-To-Date For zkSync Protocols Airdrop

Besides the potential for zkSync to distribute its native tokens through an airdrop, new protocols within the zkSync ecosystem may also initiate their own token launches.

Introducing a handy tool named “DeFiLlama” that tracks all the ongoing activities of projects and tokens. By keeping an eye on the “Airdrops” category, users can stay informed about the status of the zkSync protocols airdrop.

DeFiLlama zkSync Protocols Airdrop

Beware of Sybil Prevention on zkSync

As the zkSync airdrop gains popularity in the cross-chain community, more sybil addresses are cropping up. Sybil addresses refer to wallets funded from a common source, exhibiting comparable on-chain activities, with the intent to acquire token airdrops.To prevent people from grabbing too many tokens, the project team usually sets up a defense mechanism against these tactics. 

If the zkSync system identifies sybil addresses, the accounts might get flagged and could be prevented from being eligible to the airdrop.

Users are able to utilize the “Sybil Checker” tool to monitor if your account is labeled as a Sybil identity, enabling you to confidently navigate the zkSync airdrop journey!

Watch Out for the zkSync Airdrop Scams!

As the zkSync airdrop attracts widespread attention and excitement, it’s essential for users to remain vigilant and cautious to protect themselves from potential scams. While the allure of free tokens may be enticing, malicious actors often exploit such situations to prey on unsuspecting individuals. As a cross-chain aggregator, we prioritize the security of our users and wish to remind everyone to stay safe by following these three essential steps:

  1. Verify Official Sources
    Scammers may attempt to create fake websites or social media accounts that resemble official zkSync channels to trick users into revealing their private keys or sensitive information. Always double-check the URLs, official social media handles, and website authenticity. For trusted information regarding the zkSync airdrop, refer only to the official zkSync website, reputable social media pages, and official announcements from zkSync’s verified accounts.
  2. Never Share Private Keys or Personal Information
    Legitimate airdrops will never ask for your private keys or personal information. Never share sensitive data, passwords, or seed phrases with anyone, even if they claim to be part of the zkSync team or support staff. Be cautious of unsolicited messages, emails, or direct messages requesting your private keys, as these are common tactics used by scammers.
  3. Avoid “Too Good to Be True” Offers
    Exercise skepticism when encountering airdrop offers that seem too generous or too good to be true. Scammers may promise exorbitant rewards in exchange for a small initial payment or request payment to participate in the airdrop. Legitimate airdrops do not require any payments to qualify. If it sounds suspicious, it’s likely a scam.

All the guides you need to increase wallet interaction on zkSync:

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