Best 3 Ways to Buy CRO: The Native Token of Cronos

Best 3 Ways to Buy CRO: The Native Token of Cronos

The blockchain industry is thriving on various chains, each with its own unique features. To fully engage with any Layer1 or Layer2, acquiring its native token is crucial for enabling transactions. This article highlights the Cronos and outlines three quick methods to Buy CRO!

(Since the methods in this article involve using exchange and app, it is recommended for those who have not used them before to first register for an account and complete the identity verification process (KYC).)

(Know more about Cronos before reading: What is Cronos?
Get to Know’s EVM Chain in 5 Minutes!)

Best Three Ways to Buy CRO

There are three main gateways to buy $CRO depending on where your assets are as well as your preference:

  1. Through Exchange
    • CeFi, need to KYC
  2. Through Mobile App With Debit/Credit Cards
    • Faster but higher fee
  3. Through XY Finance 
    • DeFi, fast & cheap
    • If you already have assets on other chains, you can simply bridge & swap it to $CRO on Cronos with assets on all supported chains.

Buy CRO Through Exchange

$CRO is the lifeblood of the ecosystem, acting as both their platform token and the native token on Cronos. The easiest way to snag some $CRO is by buying it directly on the exchange. Currently, they offer 4 trading pairs for $CRO, with CRO/USD being the most popular choice for traders. CRO trading pair

Once you choose your trading pair, you’ll land on the trading interface. The easiest way to buy is through a market order:

  1. Ensure the current price is acceptable for buying.
  2. Type in how much you want to buy and hit “Buy CRO.”
  3. Review the transaction details and confirm the order.
  4. After the purchase, $CRO will show up in your wallet.
Market order of

Users can also go for a limit order to buy at a set price. This process mirrors the previous one, but you’ll need to add one more step: setting your desired purchase price.

Additionally, offers various trading bots like DCA, Grid, and TWAP, catering to different trading strategies and needs.

Of course, this method is not exclusive to; any centralized exchange (CEX) that offers $CRO trading pairs can be used to purchase $CRO in a similar manner.

Buy CRO With Your Debit/Credit Cards Through Mobile App

If you prefer not to purchase $CRO using other cryptocurrencies, the Mobile App allows you to buy various cryptocurrencies including $CRO with fiat money.

To purchase $CRO with fiat, just follow these steps:

  1. On the Mobile App, select Cronos and tap “Buy CRO.”
  2. Enter the amount you want to purchase and tap “Add Payment Method.”
  3. Choose “Credit/Debit Card,” enter your card details.

After successfully adding your card details, you can easily purchase $CRO with fiat!

Buy CRO Through XY Finance

Finally, users can acquire $CRO through on-chain DeFi Dapps, with XY Finance being a top choice. As a cross-chain bridge aggregator, XY Finance operates across over 20 EVM-compatible chains, such as X Layer, ETH mainnet, Arbitrum, and other well-known chains. This enables users to easily obtain $CRO using assets from these platforms.

Additionally, XY Finance focuses on providing a user-friendly experience by streamlining token swaps between different chains, enhancing both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This approach ensures that users access the best available options at competitive prices.

Explore the straightforward step-by-step guide below to see just how simple it is to purchase $CRO on-chain!

Step1: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓵ Visit Swap page and Click “Connect”
Start your cross-chain journey

Step2: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓶ Connect Your Web3 Wallet
Up to 10 of the most common wallets available!

Step3: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓷ Select the Tokens & Chains Accordingly
Cross-chain or single-chain swap are both available.
Be sure to choose $CRO as the received token and Cronos as the destination chain.

Step4: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓸ Check the Details
Choose the route and double check the swap rate & fees.

Step5: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓹Approve & Confirm to Swap
Click “Swap & Bridge” and confirm the message from your wallet.
(For the first time, users may need to approve the token to allow XY Finance access.)

Step6: Buy CRO Through XY Finance

⓺ Wait for the transaction to be completed
Transaction status can be tracked on the screen

(Encountering any problems while bridging? Check out our comprehensive tutorial.)

Cross-chain transactions will be completed within minutes. To view your past transaction records, you can click the “Transaction” button. If your transaction cannot be completed, please raise a ticket in the XY Finance Discord. Our team will be happy to help you resolve the issue as soon as possible.

There you have it! Purchasing $CRO is pretty straightforward, right? Choose the method that works best for you and immerse yourself in the dynamic and thriving ecosystem of Cronos!

About XY Finance

XY Finance is a cross-chain interoperability protocol aggregating DEXs & Bridges. With the ultimate routing across multi-chains, borderless and seamless swapping is just one click away.

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